Stress, You Make Me Sick (Literally)

Stress, You Make Me Sick (Literally)

New research shows stress isn't just bad for your mood, but your immunity

By: Darby Saxbe Ph.D.

It’s Friday night and your glazed eyes stare vaguely at the wine labels. Between the long commutes, frustrating colleagues, and looming deadlines, you feel exhausted from all the stress and just want to take the edge off. You briskly walk towards the only available cashier with your Cabernet Sauvignon, when suddenly you are intercepted by a woman who manages to get in line a millisecond before you do. As she apologetically looks at you, you sharply inhale and purse your lips into a disingenuous smile. “Of course,” you think to yourself. As she slowly unpacks her overloaded cart, you begin to feel your heart pounding in your ears when suddenly the cashier stops scanning the items. There seems to be a problem. You watch in horror as the cashier reaches for the phone. “Manager to 6!” You stare down at your one item in disbelief. “Oh, for crying out loud!” you scream internally. You start conspicuously tapping your foot and letting out deep audible sighs in an effort to convey your frustration to everyone around you. As you finally walk out of the store, you are still fuming. You think, “I am so sick and tired of there always being a problem.” But what you may not realize is that living your life with this level of stress and frustration can make you sick and tired, literally.

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