Marketing your Private Practice
Webster defines “marketing” as the activities that are involved in making people aware of a company’s products, making sure that the products are available to be bought, etc.
In this time of reflection during this season, I like to remind private practice owners they are entrepreneurs. As a business owner you have a responsibility to evaluate your business. Have you reached your capacity in billable hours in a week? How are your marketing your practice?
Traditional marketing avenues can be successful, but what about your referral network. When thinking about referrals look at it from the viewpoint from your customer. Who do they see prior to making their initial appointment with you the provider? A referral means the the person who pass them your information in their time of need. This a warm referral as you come recommended from another professional.
Potential list of referrers based on your specialty: divorce attorney, drug & alcohol facility, pediatrician, psychiatrist who only prescribes, school counselor.