Group Therapy 90853

Service Code 90853

90853- Group Therapy Code

Group Therapy is a form of with one or more therapists working with several patients at the same time.  Group therapy may be used in alone or a part of a comprehensive treatment plan.  Group therapies are typically have a common theme that unites the group participants.  Common group therapies; Addiction, Aging, Anger Management, Caregiver, Grief, Medical Illness, Relationships, Relaxation Training, Sex, Substance Abuse, and Trauma

 When billing many will allow a group code and an individual code on the same day (90834 & 90853)

Billed on the same day

You may also visit American Psychological Association to understand Group Therapy


We offer Patient Insurance Verification as a Standalone offering

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As a provider you would you like to focus more on your patients and not calling insurance. Contact us, mental health specialist.