Cenptico system error with location of service
Cenpatico is reporting that they are having a system error with claims that are using Location #12. Claims are denied or paid a lower rate. Cenpatico is reporting that they have a team working to fix the issue and have the claims reprocessed correctly.
Place of Service Codes are two-digit codes placed on the CMS-1500 claim form, Line 24B, to indicate the setting a service was provided. For Mental Health, you may provide the service at home. However, you will not be compensated for mileage. You may ONLY bill insurance for the Face to Face time with the patient.
Service Location is located on Line 24B of the CMS -1500 claim form. Most common location for Outpatient Behavioral Health is # 11 for “Office.” # 12 is for “Home.”
CMS Link: https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Coding/place-of-service-codes/