Should Bystanders Intervene When They Identify Mental Illness?

Should Bystanders Intervene When They Identify Mental Illness? By: Rebecca Ruiz at THE ATLANTIC  Dec 4 2013, 9:10 AM ET I’m trying to have a conversation, but the hissing voice keeps interrupting: Don’t trust her, it says. Is she looking at you? I laugh inappropriately. My eyes dart and my brow furrows. My friend looks…

What are the different forms of depression?

What are the different forms of depression? From National Institute of Mental Health There are several forms of depressive disorders. Major depression – severe symptoms that interfere with your ability to work, sleep, study, eat, and enjoy life. An episode can occur only once in a person’s lifetime, but more often, a person has several…

Budget office chief: ObamaCare creates ‘disincentive’ to work

Budget office chief: ObamaCare creates ‘disincentive’ to work The head of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office delivered a damning assessment Wednesday of the Affordable Care Act, telling lawmakers that ObamaCare creates a “disincentive for people to work,” adding fuel to Republican arguments that the law will hurt the economy.

Pope’s Harley goes for $327G at charity auction

Pope’s Harley goes for $327G at charity auction PARIS –  Pope Francis’ Harley-Davidson is hitting the road after an unspecified European buyer agreed to pay 241,500 euros ($327,000) including taxes and fees for the motorcycle at a Paris auction to benefit charity.

6 Ways Obamacare Is Changing Mental Health Coverage

Beth Braverman The Fiscal Times November 26, 2013 America’s inadequate mental health care was thrust into the spotlight again last week, following the stabbing of Virginia State Sen. Creigh Deeds by his mentally ill son. – See more at: By- Beth Braverman The Fiscal Times -November 26, 2013 America’s inadequate mental health care was…