Husband’s health, attitude loom large for happy long-term marriages

Husband’s health, attitude loom large for happy long-term marriages Date: March 13, 2014 Source: University of Chicago Summary: A husband’s agreeable personality and good health appear crucial to preventing conflict among older couples who have been together a long time, according to a study. The report found that such characteristics in wives play less of…

Higher risks among perinatal women with bipolar disorder

Higher risks among perinatal women with bipolar disorder Date: February 24, 2014 Source: Brown University Summary:  Women with bipolar disorder often struggle with the illness during and after pregnancy. A new study finds that they were significantly more likely to face important psychiatric and childrearing challenges compared to women who were seeking treatment for other…

Coffee Shop Consultations Interrupt Minister’s Studies- Same Applicable to Counselors

Coffee Shop Consultations Interrupt Minister’s Studies by Abigail Van Buren This article is applicable to mental health counselors DEAR ABBY: I’m a member of the clergy who enjoys studying for my ministry and doctoral work at a local coffee shop. Three men who go there every day have found out that I’m a minister, and…

Experts: Don’t be parent and friend

By Gracie Bonds Staples The Atlanta Journal-Constitution It’s nearly impossible, if you’re a parent, to read about country singer Billy Ray Cyrus’ troubled relationship with this pop-star daughter, Miley, and not recognize his achy-breaky heart. Children have a way of stoking regret in us, causing us to wonder like the singer if perhaps we should’ve…

The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorder

Author: World Health Organization The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders “Clinical descriptions and diagnostic guidelines” Description: Included in this document are the new codes and full descriptions for Mental Health ICD-10 codes, to be used starting on October 1, 2014. President Obama signed into law legislation (HR-4302) that delays the conversion to ICD-10 diagnostic…

ICD-10-CM: What does it mean for psychologists?

Transition to the ICD-10-CM: What does it mean for psychologists? Psychologists should be aware of and prepare for the mandatory shift to ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes in Oct. 2014 By Practice Research and Policy staff Update: This article has been updated to reflect the announcement from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) that the…

Marketing 101: Marketing a fee-for-service private practice.

  Principles of Private Practice Marketing     The most general principle of marketing is that people will pay for what they value, whether it is health, looks, image, love, sex, etc. As a result they will purchase memberships in health clubs, seek the services of cosmetic dentists, pay for diet programs, buy certain cars,…