FYI, If In Network with Humana- HumanaOne LifeSynch not covered

HumanaOne LifeSynch not covered without signing a separate form HumanaOne, LifeSynch is the policy that individuals who sign up through the Affordable Care Act receive. The policy premiums are paid directly by the patient, versus automatically being deducted from their payroll check.  Meaning lack of payment can effect eligibility of policy, therefore claims to be…

Georgia Governor Nathan Deal to sign sweeping gun bill next week

Amid Wave of Pro-Gun Legislation, Georgia Proposes Sweeping Law By HERBERT BUCHSBAUMMARCH 24, 2014  ATLANTA — Pro- and anti-gun forces do not agree on much, but they do agree on the breathtaking sweep of the Georgia legislation allowing guns in bars, schools, restaurants, churches and airports that is now awaiting the signature of Gov. Nathan…

For Better or Worse, Siblings Shape Our Close Relationships

For Better or Worse, Siblings Shape Our Close Relationships Early conflicts with brothers and sisters can affect us long-term. Published on November 12, 2013 by Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Ph.D. in Fulfillment at Any Age We all bring our early ways of interacting with our families to our adult close relationships. Much of the existing research…